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There is no substitution for competition. Constant competition hardens and sharpens athletes. It crossfits athletes and enhances gross-body coordination and enhanced near vision not to mention increases stamina and brings about greater exercise intensity. Competition just makes you better. Mullen’s newly named head girls’ swim coach is exactly that… a competitor. Jenn (Belz) Marx, a 2014 Mullen grad, has always competed. If she was not swimming for records, she was helping win lacrosse games or crewing her boat to maximum speeds. In short, she Competed.
The introduction is overdue, but for the past 50+ days, Ethan Saloom has been pushing our kids to get better. Ethan was hired as an assistant Sports Performance coach, and he brings a world of ‘smarts’ with him. Once destined to become a mechanical engineer, it just didn’t feel right, so the path was changed. His love of sports was too strong, and that field of endeavor in some capacity was calling. He was sure his degree in exercise science would lead him to physical therapy, but COVID created an alternate path. The pandemic slowed everything and everyone down for a time, and it allowed Ethan to really eyeball his future and find an answer to the question of what he was going to do with his degree. He decided on building something – Athletes.